Our journey began as a sailing cruise (see our Our Sailing Journey page). But along the way, we made the decision to haul our boat in the fall of 2017, and take a small road trip. We detailed why we took a break from our cruise in our posting Updated Plans.
Our journey
We have no ultimate destination in mind, but one of our objectives is to find a new home for Shanti when we resume our sailing cruise in the spring of 2018. We will probably start travelling in mid October. For our first trip, we would like to travel to Arizona to visit family. We will then return to the Midwest for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then begin the second part of our road trip. For this part, we would like to travel along the east coast.
Interactive map of our road trip
The map below shows where we’ve stopped on our road trip. We have it zoomed and centered to our latest location, but you can zoom and pan the map to see our entire journey. For this trip we only have 2 pins: blue (our starting and ending point) and green (stops along the way). Below the map is a list of places we’ve stopped, a quick summary of that place, and a link to a more detailed posting.

We started our road trip in Kingston, after leaving Shanti for the Winter at Rondout Yacht Basin.

On our way back to the midwest, we stopped by the original location of the famous Woodstock Music Festival, which is not in Woodstock, but is in Bethel!
Read our post

We next drove to Rockford to visit with Kate's daughter and son-in-law and to pick up Kate's car.
Read our post

After Scandia, we took a quick trip to Austin, MN, home of the Spam Museum! We also visited the Jolly Green Giant statue in Blue Earth, MN.
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Millions of people in the world believe that an alien spacecraft crashed in the desert near Roswell. Of course we had to go there!
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We stayed in Sierra Vista for several days visiting family. Did a lot of sightseeing in the area!
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On our way to Sierra Vista, we stopped at White Sands National Monument, but because of a government shutdown, we were unable to see it. On our way back, it was open, so we stopped in to see it.
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On our way to New Orleans, we stopped at St. Louis to see the Gateway Arch!
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We felt like sitting on a beach for a couple of days, so we made a trip over to Pensacola Beach.
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We threw a baby shower for Kate's daughter and son-in-law in Rockford. Congratulations Samantha and Brad!
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The first marina we wanted to see was in Brunswick, GA. Brunswick here we come!
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Savannah, GA & Hilton Head Island, SC

Last fall while on the Erie, we heard of Windmill Harbor on Hilton Head Island.
So we went there, and also spent a few days in Savannah.
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Beaufort, SC looked like and interesting place, so we went there next. We loved the town and the marina!
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We stopped in Wilmington to see a marina there. It was ok, but not quite what we were looking for.
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Our last planned stop along the east coast was in New Bern. We saw 4 marinas,
and really liked what we saw here!
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We stopped by Charlotte to visit with Kate's brother and family for the weekend. This is also the end of our road trip.
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